This week is translados......and.....................IM STAYING IN BARADERO!!! FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! I`M SO EXCITED!!!! My favorite area!!!! It`s amazing, I`m super lucky. I will be staying with Hermana Da Silva from Brazil, we`re excited to have another transfer here together. We have a lot of great plans for the area and a lot of activities planned for Christmas for the branch and people here. Woop!
We had a primary program in the branch, I played piano for it, it makes a lot of time that I have played piano (that was worded bad, but it`s translated from spanish and I dont remember how to word a lot of things now....). I loved it! I love serving in this branch...the missionaries always get to do a TON because there`s not a lot of active members here. So we usually end up teaching the classes, praying, leading, the activities...but that`s something I love about Baradero. They love and appreciate the missionaries...unfortunately that`s not the case in many areas.
For Thanksgiving, President did a surprise meeting, so we traveled the night before to stay in a different apartment and head for capital. I think Ill be a pro camper when I get back to the states....we just throw a couple things in the back and go stay the night somewhere else. The meeting was super great, I loved it. Thanksgiving was a little different because we didnt eat anything until the afternoon that day, and it was a hot dog from a street stand while we were traveling haha and there`s no such thing as Thanksgiving here. But I will say that I have A TON to be grateful for :) I`m very blessed.
We assisted a young woman and excellence program, makes me think of all the things we did when I was in young woman`s, and Im super grateful for everything I learned. There`s very few young woman here, but they are great examples to me...and for that, I am starting my personal progress again, and Im loving it :)
Rocio (recent convert) is doing AMAZING! Wow...she`s already giving talks in meetings, assisting the devotionals, she shows us her studies with her scriptures all marked up, it`s amazing....she`s been a member for 2 weeks. Wow! She will make a great missionary. I can`t wait.
Also, it`s getting realllllllllly hot here...
Our new pension....haha jk. This was part of a pizza buffet we went was crazy cool! |
Pizza buffet with the relief society, my comp and I could only stay for 30 minutes so we stuffed all the pizza we could. Wow, there's some weird pizzas here, they just throw anything over the pizza. |
Railroad |
I ATE COW TONGUE! It was actually pretty good....just can't think about it. |
For the YW project, we attached scriptures on the end of the balloons and let them fly away to end up in the hands of other people. :) |
She made homemade pasta for us. |
this rooster is a fighting rooster....which I think is really sad that humans would do that...but that's what he's used for. He was a lil bloody poor thing. |
hahahaha this pic is blurry but it cracks me up how he's holding it. |
This bird was on my bed when I came out from the shower..... |